
Men’s discipleship resources developed over 10 years

Since Men’s Ministry Network inception in 2010, we have organised various men’s conferences and events, with guest speakers from various churches across demoninations, parachurch organisations and countries speaking on a range of topics related to men’s discipleship.

Our discipleship resources cover across five main pillars: Identity, Responsibility, Integrity, Community and Destiny.

Our resources have been carefully curated for your easy viewing, studying for individual use or ideally, used in a group discussion in your own small groups at church, workplace or your communities:

  • Videos (conference speeches, plenary sessions, testimonies)
  • Presentation Slide Decks
  • Discussion Notes,
  • Study Notes
 Resource Series Name  Release Date  Theme
1 Becoming God’s Man LIVE Identity
2 Taking Charge LIVE Responsibility
3 Demystifying Men’s Ministry LIVE Ministry to Men
4 A Man and His Money LIVE Integrity
5 Empowering God’s Men LIVE Community
6 Facing the Challenge LIVE Integrity
7 Finishing Well LIVE Destiny
8 Every Man A Son LIVE Identity
9 Manhood Quest LIVE A Journey of Manhood
10 Lifting Holy Hands LIVE Men-in-Prayer
11 Living God’s Dream LIVE Destiny
12 A Manhood Journey LIVE A Journey of Manhood


Becoming God’s Man

Becoming God’s Man (BGM) is a foundational manhood equipping series dealing with a man’s identity first premised on His sonship in Christ and from which flows a man’s four primary callings of being a Servant Leader, Spiritual Guardian, Love-Giver and Brother’s Keeper.

Taking Charge

Real manhood is about courageously taking charge when we are handed the baton. This is the tough stuff of manhood. This “Taking Charge” series will help men know what it takes and to equip them with the wisdom, skills and means they need to become the men that God intended when it comes to embracing our God-given responsibilities.

Demystifying Men's Ministry

Why Men’s Ministry? Is it a vital link to men’s discipleship? Do we really need another ministry in our church – where will it fit? What is God’s mandate for His men? Are men really different? “Demystifying Men’s Ministry”, an equipping seminar Men’s Ministry Network, features inspiring testimonies, informative plenaries and lively Q&A workshops. This series features a recorded seminar before a live audience of more than 150 pastors and key lay leaders. Note: This series only comprises of video resources.

A Man and His Money

Should making more money be a key quest of our lives?  Come listen to Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, a global ministry  committed to teaching God’s financial principles and transforming lives, as he  shares how men should view money and leverage it to fulfil the greatest need in their lives.